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Transpersonal Therapy


Transpersonal therapy is different from psychotherapy where the focus is mainly on improving mental health. Transpersonal therapy is more holistic and takes into account not only mental, physical, social, emotional, creative, intellectual but also spiritual needs of a person. There is a greater focus on the spiritual experience of being human.


Transpersonal therapy is a holistic healing intervention that evolved from the humanistic work of American psychologist Abraham Maslow in the 1960s. It integrates traditional spiritual rituals into modern psychology and emphasizes positive influences and role models rather than concentrating on negative experiences. The intervention is based on the idea that humans are more than mind and body and are also composed of intangible or transcendent factor that make up the whole person. Just as your mind and body sometimes require treatment, your spirituality and other intangible aspects of yourself often require healing of a sort. Transpersonal therapy can help you explore various levels of consciousness and use your spirituality to guide you through troubled times.


 Transpersonal therapy is used to treat anxiety, depression, addictions, phobias and other mood and behavioral problems. Those who are open to exploring their spiritual side, becoming more spiritually aware, or finding a spiritual path, or who are having trouble finding meaning in their life, may benefit from transpersonal therapy. It expands your inner strengths and resources to create a more balanced life and healthier state of mind.

About Us

Healing Vibrations is a safe and transformative space for all those who seek liberation from recurring and existing unresolved issues – be it mental, emotional, physical, psycho-somatic, or psycho-spiritual.

Our Hours

  • Weekdays
    11:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday
    11:00 - 18:00
  • Sunday


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