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Spirit Release Therapy


The objective of the spirit Releasement therapy session is to release any and all interfering entities from the client and to send them into the light which is their next step of spiritual progression.  Just as many human beings are stuck or fixated in their birth trauma, so earthbound spirits are often stuck in the death trauma.  They remain in the earth plane due to a lack of awareness of their passing.  They are driven by the memories, needs, desires, appetites, and emotions at the ego level and attempts to continue to interact with physical objects, substances and people.

        Earth bound spirits are disembodied consciousness who can influence living people by forming a physical or mental connection or attachment or merging fully or partially with the sub-conscious mind of vulnerable person and exerting detrimental influence on thought processes, emotions, behavior and physical body.  These entities retain the psychic energy pattern of their own ailments and bring different types of illness, personality disorders and Behavioral changes.

         During healing session the therapist traces, resolves and releases the attached or interfering entities from the bio-energy and sub-conscious mind of the person.  This process restores the natural health and wellbeing of the affected person.  The process of releasing the attached entity is “gentle, logical, methodical, systematic and grounded in sound psycho-therapeutic principles”.

About Us

Healing Vibrations is a safe and transformative space for all those who seek liberation from recurring and existing unresolved issues – be it mental, emotional, physical, psycho-somatic, or psycho-spiritual.

Our Hours

  • Weekdays
    11:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday
    11:00 - 18:00
  • Sunday


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9811067695, 7982757076