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Chakra Healing


Chakra Healing is one of the most powerful treatments to restore the flow of life energy (prana) throughout the body, enhancing the feeling of overall wellbeing. This treatment unblocks, re-activates and rebalances the chakras, paving the way for increased levels of health and consciousness.


‘Chakra’ is a Sanskrit word that means ‘wheel’ and refers to the many energy centers we have throughout our body. Seven of these are major chakras, aligning along the spine from the base to the crown. Each one energizes our endocrine glands, organs, nerves and is a powerful connection to the less tangible psychological, emotional and spiritual states of being.


Keeping our chakras open and our energy flowing is fundamental to our wellbeing, physical as well as psychological, emotional and spiritual. When we fall ill, it is likely that one or more of our chakras is, or becomes, blocked, whether directly through physical trauma, or through more esoteric problems that then manifest physically.


The Chakras


The Root Chakra (Muladhara) is our base chakra, and represents stability and security.


The Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) is our sexual chakra, located above the pubic bone, and in charge of our creativity and sexual energy.


The Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) is in our core and holds the source of our personal power.


The Heart Chakra (Anahata), is the source of love and connection, in particular between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.


The Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) represents our verbal communication and truth.


The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) holds our intuition.


The Crown Chakra (Sahaswara) is the thousand petal lotus at the crown of the head and leads to enlightenment and spiritual connection to ourselves and others.


The Treatment


Balancing of energy chakras is being done using following techniques: -


  1. Crystal Therapy
  2. Theta Healing
  3. Using harmoniser - emitting healing colour frequencies.


The Results


When reactivated and balanced, chakras allow energy to flow freely again. While immediately following the treatment you’re likely to feel relaxed and light. The treatment opens you to increased levels of physical, mental and emotional health as well as increased powers of intuition.

About Us

Healing Vibrations is a safe and transformative space for all those who seek liberation from recurring and existing unresolved issues – be it mental, emotional, physical, psycho-somatic, or psycho-spiritual.

Our Hours

  • Weekdays
    11:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday
    11:00 - 18:00
  • Sunday


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