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Birth Regression


Birth Regression therapy treats pre and perinatal traumas and experiences.  The process of prenatal development occurs in three main stages.  The first two weeks after conception are known as germinal stage, the third through the eighth week is known as Embryonic period and the time from the ninth week until birth is known as fetal period.  It is a period before Birth.  Perinatal stage pertains to period immediately before and after birth.

            Freud saw the birth as the first trauma and origin of all anxieties at the root of later psychic problems.  Most people are fixated or stuck in the birth trauma.  Pre-natal trauma has a profound effect especially when the trauma is re-inforced during birth.  Research shows that the pre-natal traumas are the most influential of all traumas.  These can result in subsequent bonding issues with the mother and development of socio-pathic personality.  Problems with issues of aggression and violence can begin as early as conception.  Family Violence or dysfunctional family environment or the feelings of unwanted is perceived by the fetus.  Adoptive issues, attempted abortions or even consideration of abortions by parents also affects the fetus.  Absence of parents, parental abandonment, psychological abuse of pregnant mother, birthing difficulties, separations, abortion attempts, family crisis which may include surgeries, deaths, divorces, Circumcision, physical and / or sexual abuse of the pregnant mother can also cause Pre-natal and Perinatal trauma.  This happens as the consciousness seems to be connected with the body from the moment of Conception, receiving and recording all experiences in the forming body, including the thoughts and feelings of the mother.  This information is absorbed unfiltered, unprocessed and accepted without judgement or discrimination.  The impact of this information can have devastating effects on the mind and life of a person in childhood, adolescence and adulthood. 

            Symptoms of some trouble with menstrual periods, conflict about an imminent marriage, Confusion surrounding pregnancy, indecisions about having children and emotions associated with mother may also be connected to Prenatal and perinatal distorted memories.   These distorted memories can be corrected through pre and perinatal therapy and birth regression.

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Healing Vibrations is a safe and transformative space for all those who seek liberation from recurring and existing unresolved issues – be it mental, emotional, physical, psycho-somatic, or psycho-spiritual.

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    11:00 - 18:00
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