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Age Regression


Age Regression or Present life recall is a Regression therapy to access, process and release mental, emotional and physical residues associated with present life trauma. It is never what happens to a person that remains in the memory bank and has lasting effect but what that person thinks, feels, decides and remembers about the event. These traumatic experiences usually involve residues of fear based emotions such as anger, resentment, revenge, fear, guilt, remorse and distortions of love manifesting as Jealousy, possessiveness and even violence. The trauma may also involve physical injuries, accidents surgeries and physically invasive traumas. Oftenly, the inappropriate interpretations and misperception of these events and experiences lead to distortion of actual reality and truth. This many times results in taking a false decisions, assumptions, conclusions, and judgements by a person due to erroneous assessment of the event. They become mental residues and get accumulated deeply in a subconscious mind and further cause distortions in the perceptive ability of a person.

Age regression therapy reprocesses the original traumatic experience, uncover the residues, bring un-conscious material into consciousness and correct errors of perception and interpretations. This results in resolution of conflict and healing

About Us

Healing Vibrations is a safe and transformative space for all those who seek liberation from recurring and existing unresolved issues – be it mental, emotional, physical, psycho-somatic, or psycho-spiritual.

Our Hours

  • Weekdays
    11:00 - 18:00
  • Saturday
    11:00 - 18:00
  • Sunday


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